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Trust Commitment

We take the security, confidentiality, ownership and hosting your data very seriously and give you controls to manage your data.


Controls to protect your data

We provide you with comprehensive controls to protect your clinic's information and limit your staff's access

Audit Logs

All interactions across all devices are logged in our tamper-proof audit logs, recording timestamp, user, location and actions ensuring visibility into what your staff is doing. As an administrator, you can search this log anytime.

Lock Down Feature Access

Control individual staff access to specific features providing complete control and customization for your clinic's needs. You can also control what actions a user can perform, for example, prevent front desk staff from discounting or require a manager's approval if the discount is over a certain dollar amount.

Restrict access by patient or location

You can restrict the location and time of day a user can access cosmedcloud at, allowing you to prevent staff from accessing cosmedcloud from home. You can also prevent the cosmedcloud mobile app working when the device leaves your clinic and restrict who can view certain patients to provide additional privacy.

Stop patient data theft

Using machine learning our Smart Oversight feature provides a constant overwatch on all your staff's interaction with patient files. We alert you automatically when a staff member accesses a patient file not needed in their day to day practice. Perfect to ensure practitioners don't leave with more than just themselves.